Excessive fat is simply dissolved with an injection – that sounds promising.
The lipolysis injection is not a miracle cure to lose weight. It can rather melt away and metabolise undesired fat pads which cannot be reduced through a change in nutrition or movement therapy. The effective ingredient phosphatidylcholine, which is gained from the soya bean, is injected using a fine needle directly into the affected regions. There, within just a few days, there is a melting away of the fat cells and an increased reduction of fat. Also the skin in the treated area pulls together again and produces a smooth, homogenour surface. The fat tissue does not come back to the treated areas. Fat pads can thus be permanently reduced. This gentle and bloodless procedure can be carried out on men and women of all age groups and is generally very agreeable. In the first days after the procedure there can be swelling / reddening and itching in the area treated.
In the many thousands of treatments around the world, there have not yet been any serious side effects. Still, this therapy belongs in the hands of doctors who are trained. The NETZWERK Lipolyse is an international conglomeration of certified doctors for lipolysis injections from various specialties. The qualitative training and a consequent continued education is the basis for a certification in NETZWERK Lipolyse. Dr. med. Frohn is a member of NETZWERK Lipolyse.
Press report: B-young! September 2007 Pages 12–17 (PDF – 1.2 MB)